Constitutional Anatomy: Theory and Applications


All promotional activities at conference events are coordinated with the organizing committee.

Information mail


International Scientific and Practical Conference

Moscow, May 20 - 22, 2019


Requirements for the design of the article

General information for the article:

  • Fields - 2 cm on all sides.
  • Scope of article: & nbsp; from 5 to 7 pages.
  • The article should contain a minimum of illustrations, graphs and tables.
  • The article is made up as a separate file - MS Word document: file name: city.first_author_name(article).doc 

(for example:  Moscow,Ivanov(article).doc).

  • All figures, graphs and formulas are additionally attached to the article file with separate graphic files in the format .tiff  with the name (city.first_author_name(pic.1).tiff (for example, Moscow,Ivanov_(pic.1).tiff). The numbering of figures and graphs should correspond to the numbering of figures in the text of the article.
  • The size of the article file should not exceed 3 MB, the size of one picture file should not exceed 1.5 MB.

The text of the article:

  • First page:
    • In English:
    • Initials, Names of the authors (center, font Times New Roman, 14 pt);
    • НTitle of the article (in capital letters, in the center, Times New Roman, 14 pt);
    • Establishment (in full), city, country (center, font Times New Roman, 14 pt).
    • On the first page of the article, a “paste” visa is stamped by hand with a blue paste, where the scientific work was done, and the signatures of all the co-authors. Scan the first page with a visa and signatures sent a separate file.
  • Second page:
    • Abstract of the article (250 - 300 words, fully reflects the content and structure of the article: in English languages.
    • Keywords: up to 7 words in English.
  • Third and subsequent pages:
    • The main text (introduction, material and methods, own data, discussion, conclusions) - Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1 interval, without indentation, without hyphenation, left justified.
  • Bibliography (up to 12 sources).

The conference materials will be published in the «Moscow Morphological Journal» and placed in the National Bibliographic Database of Scientific Citation of  the RISC and the Federal Electronic Medical Library



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