International Scientific and Practical Conference
Moscow, May 20 - 22, 2019
Requirements for the design of the article
General information for the article:
- Fields - 2 cm on all sides.
- Scope of article: & nbsp; from 5 to 7 pages.
- The article should contain a minimum of illustrations, graphs and tables.
- The article is made up as a separate file - MS Word document: file name: city.first_author_name(article).doc
(for example: Moscow,Ivanov(article).doc).
- All figures, graphs and formulas are additionally attached to the article file with separate graphic files in the format .tiff with the name (city.first_author_name(pic.1).tiff (for example, Moscow,Ivanov_(pic.1).tiff). The numbering of figures and graphs should correspond to the numbering of figures in the text of the article.
- The size of the article file should not exceed 3 MB, the size of one picture file should not exceed 1.5 MB.
The text of the article:
- In English:
- Initials, Names of the authors (center, font Times New Roman, 14 pt);
- НTitle of the article (in capital letters, in the center, Times New Roman, 14 pt);
- Establishment (in full), city, country (center, font Times New Roman, 14 pt).
- On the first page of the article, a “paste” visa is stamped by hand with a blue paste, where the scientific work was done, and the signatures of all the co-authors. Scan the first page with a visa and signatures sent a separate file.
- Abstract of the article (250 - 300 words, fully reflects the content and structure of the article: in English languages.
- Keywords: up to 7 words in English.
- Third and subsequent pages:
- The main text (introduction, material and methods, own data, discussion, conclusions) - Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1 interval, without indentation, without hyphenation, left justified.
- Bibliography (up to 12 sources).
The conference materials will be published in the «Moscow Morphological Journal» and placed in the National Bibliographic Database of Scientific Citation of the RISC http://elibrary.ru and the Federal Electronic Medical Library http://www.femb.ru